Signature Somatic Healing Sessions

Within these virtual private sessions, a sacred and ceremonial space is held for you to integrate and heal from traumas you have experienced. Here, you are guided to connect to an understanding of your Wholeness. You will grow deeper somatic awareness (mind/body connection), by being prompted to name the physical sensations and emotions taking place as you process the trauma. This increases your capacity to take in deeper nourishment, while growing your tolerance of emotional pain. You will learn how to resource the intelligence of your own Body as an instrument of healing. I will also intuitively listen to your body’s language and the energetic information that is present, to further support you. You will be guided to greet all aspects of Self with unconditional love, reclaiming and re-parenting wounded parts into a felt experience of their Wholeness.

Each session is held with the intention to tend to what is most alive and present for you at that time. Along your journey of transformation, there will be opportunities within these sessions to celebrate and mark significant stages and transitions of your healing with ceremony and rites of passages. Rites of passage can be enacted through ritual that mark a transition from one stage of life to another. We may also use guided meditation, emotional release techniques, and soul-centered energy work to support you in connecting deeper with your authentic self and joyful expression.

Common themes I support my clients around include:

  • Grief, Death and Loss

  • Life Transition and Career Change

  • Break-Ups and Relationship Transition

  • Strengthening Relationship and Partner Dynamics

  • Navigating Co-Dependency

  • Cultivating Self-Love, Self-Worth and Healthy Boundaries

  • Healing Ancestral Trauma

Virtual sessions are offered in 90 minute containers, and cost $155 USD. This work is an extensive journey of healing through self-empowerment. In private sessions, you are met in unconditional love and non-judgement, as you greet each of your fears, blocks, wounds, and traumatic experiences that reveal themselves within our time together. Each session is held with the intention to reveal the nature of the infinite potential, power and love that lies within you. You will be guided to clear the channels of the Heart that give you access to a higher state of existence and well-being here on Earth.

Spiritual Healing Sessions with Maya Medicine

Within these virtual private sessions, ceremony is held for you to receive spiritual support and care from the Central American healing traditions of the late Don Elijio Panti’s lineage. Among the traditions that he had passed along to Dr. Rosita Arvigo, is the ritual of Maya Spiritual Bathing.

Each session will begin with a prayer and invocation, and then continue with a conversation around your current needs for healing. I will also be listening intuitively and reading the energy present for any disharmonies and spiritual sicknesses that are ready to be addressed. When this process is complete, it is time for the Spiritual Bath.

This ritual involves praying with plants and water for the healing of each sickness to occur. Spiritual sicknesses that can be treated in these sessions include: Terror/Fear, Grief, Lifelong Sadness, Rage, Envidia (other people’s envy), Evil Eye, Astral Fragments, Soul Loss, Psychic Attack, Night Terrors, Unwanted Spiritual Interference, Past Life Trauma and Entity Possessions.

It is deeply important to name and recognize that as a person who has built a relationship with this Maya lineage, I myself am not Maya, nor would I ever claim to be. The crimes against indigenous peoples that are still happening all across the world are causing immense suffering, and so much has been lost. This lineage has survived because of the decade-long intimate relationship that was built between Dr. Rosita Arvigo and Don Elijio Panti. To now have access to these teachings, and to be able to share their healings with others, is a profound gift that I will always be grateful for.

Virtual spiritual healing sessions are 90-minutes long and cost $160.


“If you don’t thank the Spirit of the Plant before you take it from the Earth, it will not heal the people.” - Don Elijio Panti